CBD Massage
In essence the concept of adding CBD oil to your massage is the same as the principles of aromatherapy. Active compounds are extracted from organic matter to create potent concentrations that can be added to carriers oils such as almond or apricot.
CBD or Cannabidiol is the non-psychoactive ingredient extracted from the Hemp plant and is lauded for it's therapeutic and beneficial effects.
We have created three signature CBD massages to help enhance the effects;
Our CBD sleep massage uses a traditional aromatherapy massage techniques that assists you in to the alpha theta state and aids deep relaxation.
Book a CBD sleep massage - 50 minutes - £88.00
80 minutes - £110.00 
The CBD joint and muscle ease massage incorporates deep and soft tissue manipulation to aid with joint and muscle discomfort.
Book a CBD joint and muscle ease massage - 50 minutes - £88.00
80 minutes - £110.00 
Our CBD hot stone massage is a perfect combination of deep relaxation and deep tissue release. The heat from the stone has a soothing analgesic effect on muscle tissue allow us to massage tired and tight muscles without it feeling like you have a two hour workout!
Please note availability is currently limited for this treatment
Book a CBD hot stone massage - 50 minutes - £88.00
80 minutes - £110.00